cornice pagine campagna amicapng

An ideal place to meet farmers and citizens, Campagna Amica was founded in 2008 to carry out initiatives aimed at enhancing the value and dignity of Italian agriculture. Promoted by Coldiretti, Campagna Amica aims to protect the environment, the territory, traditions and culture, health, food security, equity, access to food at a fair price, social aggregation and work.We address to all, simple citizens or agricultural workers, to give answers to topics of great relevance such as nutrition, tourism, ecology, health and well-being, with the aim of promoting a new lifestyle healthy and sustainable. Three main areas in which Fondazione Campagna Amica works to support Italian agriculture: direct sales, tourism and eco-sustainability. We want to be a point of reference for anyone interested in the fate of the environment and the territory, the quality of consumption and lifestyles. With a network of 10 thousand points rooted throughout the Italian territory, Campagna Amica:

Organizes and promotes points of excellence of the Italian agricultural supply chain from the producer to the consumer and km zero. 

  • Valorize the agritouristic structures selected and promoted by Terranostra, the association of Coldiretti that supports tourism in the countryside. 
  • Valorize and make known the typical products of our wonderful territorio.
  • Aviats and supports campaigns for the defense of the heritage of forests, lakes and rivers and for biodiversity.
  • It contributes to the development of renewable energies. 
  • Monitors prices, lifestyles and eating habits of citizens.
  • Produces knowledge and information tools for a correct food education, promoting virtuous lifestyles towards the environment and of consumption. 
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